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As I would see it, the French instruction framework is flawed and undeserving. Meisler depicts for us in energized detail, the torment that ...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Education Philosophy and Rationale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Education Philosophy and Rationale - Essay Example Multiple Intelligences as a Personal Education Philosophy On a personal perspective, the theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) by Howard Gardner is the main basis of teaching philosophy. This is one the basis of the recognition of the capabilities of the students in terms of achieving the basic objectives of the teaching and learning process. The theory of Multiple Intelligences can be considered essential as a guide in enabling the educator to recognize the needs of the students in terms of learning. Metaphysics of MI Multiple Intelligences is one of the educational theories which serve as guiding principles in education. The basic knowledge which became the foundation of the theory originated from the two streams of the research conducted by Howard Gardner in 1970, the Project Zero. He also wrote the â€Å"Frame of Mind† in 1983 based on the said research. Gardner’s view is based on biological perspective mainly the collection of cognitive competences which originally was seven and became nine distinct concepts. His theory mainly explored the manner by which human intelligence works in terms of analyzing and the context by which such frames of mind were exhibited (Dixon & McPhee, n.d.). Epistemology of MI The theory of MI, according Gardner, was based on the consideration of the educational philosophers’ views before him. ... ization, work with brain damaged patients, gifted children and other form or conditions which can cause variation in terms of intelligence on the basis of Gardner’s definition. The second foundation of the theory of MI is the relationship of between the forms of intelligences to the human cultural contexts considered to trigger or to exhibit them (Dixon & McPhee, n.d.). There are different forms of intelligences included in Gardner’s theory namely spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic forms (Slavin, 2008). Linguistic Intelligence. One of the main forms of intelligence is related to the verbal aspect of development or the linguistic intelligence. Included in the said form are the spoken or written words and other faculties of language. The main contexts of linguistic intelligence are reading, writing, telling stories, vocabulary and memorization of words and dates. Strengths include reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, discussion and debate, and learning new languages (Slavin, 2008). It is one of the basic forms of intelligence based on Gardner which according to him can be observed in the â€Å"work and vision of a poet† (Dixon & McPhee, n.d.). Musical Intelligence. The musical intelligence is also referred to as rhythmic intelligence because it is related to pith rhythm and timbre. Based on data gathered by Gardner, the musical ability is distinct from other forms of intelligence, thus, students can be motivated through music-related activities. Also included in the strengths of musical intelligent learners are drama and role playing (Dixon & McPhee, n.d.). Spatial intelligence. One of the forms of intelligence is spatial intelligence which arms a person to comprehend the world

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wikis as Education Tool Essay Example for Free

Wikis as Education Tool Essay With the development of today’s technology, it has allowed the creation and proliferation of information in a more convenient manner. Due to this, individuals have used this towards achieving competency and gaining the necessary foundation for learning that paves the way for improvement. Seeing this, instruments such as â€Å"wikis† have allowed the creation and further expansion of data. By taking into consideration the advantages of this mechanism in education, it can further harness the way educational goals are administered and achieved. The development of the term ‘wiki’ in education started in 2006. It is composed of information that is subject for changes and improvement on a particular subject given. â€Å"Wikis are more versatile than a class blog, because blogs are typically one way communication and Wikis are updated by teachers and students† (Wetzel, 2008, p. 1). Since this idea is powered by the internet, it allows people to actively collaborate and contribute both information and insights on a subject, thus widening the horizons for change (Baird and Nye, 2009). Its creation originates from a posting of a particular topic of interest. Under this, the user then allows his/her work to be subject to editing and updating on areas that need further expansion. â€Å"Wikis improve upon more traditional modes of writing collaboration like sharing paper and document files since a wiki page is shared on the Internet and easily accessed and edited online† (Baird and Nye, 2009, p. 1). At the same time, since its creation, it has adopted new approaches that have made this process more user-friendly and applicable to all. â€Å"The use of hyperlinks, tables, images, media, as well as incorporating the customized layout that we see with carefully designed web sites is present in wikis† (Baird and Nye, 2009, p. 1). Looking closely at the content associated with ‘wikis’, the topics offer a myriad of information that students can deem to contribute. It can look into areas of Natural Sciences such as Biology, Physics, Chemsitry, etc. or other topics such as History, Mathematics, Religion, and Sociology. The presence of this diverse subject matter exemplifies its potential in creating an active environment for learning and enhances educational goals and objectives (Elgort, 2007). That is why continuing strategies should be explored to actively tap on its strengths and capability as an instrument for teaching and facilitation. Realizing the relevance of such approach in education, I feel that it can be an essential device for intensifying training and facilitate learning. In doing this, I need to understand the parameters and scope of what my subject of interest would be. After this, I have to actively link this on how I wish to use ‘wikis’ to encourage cooperation among my target students. â€Å"Decisions need to be made not only about how information is structured but also what navigational support is provided to the reader, and these decisions are crucial to the ways in which the reader interacts with the wiki† (Elgrot, 2007, p. 234). I feel that this is an initial step in making sure that the initiative is in-line with the objective, needs and standards mandated. After this, the next step involves the creation of an active system wherein students can explore the meaning of the subject and point out their relative inputs and understanding based on the information provided. This means that communication and interaction via the website is an important agenda to consider. By highlighting areas wherein changes or modifications can happen, it can increase the likelihood of participation and further acquisition of knowledge and information. To conclude, the creation of wikis is one instrument that technology has provided to humans today. By actively exploring its capabilities, it can be seen that this setup can be applied to intensify and increase learning objectives. At the same time, as people realize the relevance of such practice, it can be an alternative approach in education which can make it adaptive to 21st century trends. References Baird, R. and Nye, M. (2009) Beyond Wikepedia: Wikis as Learning Tools in CITES EdTech.Retrieved May 11, 2009 from http://www. cites. illinois. edu/edtech/newsletters_articles/articles/baird/beyond_wikipedia-spr09. html Elgort, I. (2007) Using wikis as a learning tool in higher education in ascilite. [online] Retrieved May 11, 2009. 233-238. Wetzel, D. R. (2008) Using Wiki Technology to Engage Students: Educational Technology Strategies for Creativity and Collaboration. Retrieved May 11, 2009 from, http://teachertipstraining. suite101. com/article. cfm/using_wiki_technology_to_engage_students

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Career As A Bricklayer :: Free Essay Writer

A good career for me would be a bricklayer. Bricklayers make a lot of money but it’s also a lot of work. It’s a job that most people wouldn’t necessarily enjoy but on the other hand you would make a lot of money, about $14-$18 an hour. (WOIS p ) A quote from my sister who works at Big Kmart is, â€Å"People work at jobs they don’t enjoy just so they can make a lot of money.† I think I could do the job well. Three reasons I think I could do the job well are, I’m a good worker, I have a lot of energy, and I know a lot about bricks. With these three reasons in mind, it would be good to think of a bricklayer as a career for me. I think that I would be a really good bricklayer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I’m a good worker. If you were to give me a job to do then I would do it and do it well. If I’m focused and determined to do the job, I will get the job done successfully. That’s pretty much all there is to it. If you told me to build a wall out of bricks, for example, I’m the kind of person who will be right on the job. I’ll just start working then I’ll work until the wall or whatever it may be is built. Now everyone has days that they are tired but they still have to work. Let’s say I was tired, I would work not only because I had to but because I would care so much about my job to do my absolute best.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my whole life I have had a somewhat large amount of energy. That means that I can do something for a long period of time, without getting tired. Bricklayers work different amounts of hours all the time. It depends on the project and on who you are working for. A lot of bricklayers are self employed so they work what they want to. So it really depends on what exactly you are doing (WOIS p ). I could work long hours, that is another reason why I’d be good at my job. Most people would hire you for the job if they know that you will get the job done in a reasonable amount of time doing a fair job. My sister says that, â€Å"One of the most important aspects about a job is having a good reputation. If your boss knows you will do the job and do it well then you should be

Thursday, October 24, 2019

History of Nursing

Nursing has been called the oldest of arts and the youngest of professions (Donahue, 1996). In ancient periods because of maternal instinct women were considered born nurses. They cared for their own family and trained their daughters and other women in their community in the procedures in which they specialized. In the 16th century the meanings nursing included â€Å"a person, or a woman who waits upon or tends to the sick†. During the 19th century, nursing was considered training of those who tend to the sick and carrying out duties under direction of a physician (Donahue, 1996). Today, nursing has become both an art and a science. It focuses on health promotion, professionalism, skills, knowledge and education. It is now a career of all genders and races and one of the highest growing professions in the United States. To understand how nursing has arrived we must first review where nursing has come from. In this paper you will learn about nursing before Florence Nightingale, the reforms that Florence made that changed nursing as a profession, and Innovations in nursing as it continue to evolve. Nursing has its origins in Christianity. According to Joyce (2002), some of the earliest nurses and individuals who ran hospitals were Catholic nuns and monks. Deacons and deaconesses of the church were trained as nurses and went out into the community to provide nursing care. In the 1840s, nursing- sisterhoods were founded to improve standards of nursing in Britain (Joyce, 2002). This organization was of the Catholic nursing order. According to Joyce (2002), St. John's House was an Anglican Nursing Sisterhood founded in 1848, it provided nurses to care for the sick in their own homes. This is considered one of the first training schools. They trained nurses for private work but they gained experience in hospital wards (Joyce, 2002). In the 17th and 18th century, the infirmaries were local houses used for providing employment for the destitute. During this time most people who needed nursing were nursed at home. Those who were not nursed at home ended up in workhouses, with primitive wards, for the sick and infirm. Some of the older hospitals were rebuilt often by private benefactors (Grell, 1997). They appointed private contractors who looked after the parish's poor. The individuals would then be employed and in return would receive board and lodging. The infirmaries were often filled with patients from the hospitals who could not be cured. They became so bad that only those who had resigned themselves to death would stay. Usually the infirmary was a freezing cold and draughty room. There were iron beds with thin mattresses, the only furniture in the room. The sick were not cared for properly, the volunteer hospitals were unable to cope with the increasing population and there were no facilities for training nurses (French and Wear, 1991). The growth of the 18th century brought overcrowding in the cities which increased the spread of disease. The building of railways in the vicinity led to the admission of many accident cases and often to a rise in the sepsis rate. Due to the overcrowding in hospitals; bedsores, malnutrition, and infections were everyday occurrences (Grell, 1997). Nurses were seen differently during the eighteenth century. They were not perceived as medical practitioners but as domestic servants. According to Grell (1997), nurses were inferior largely because nursing was historically subservient roles before the 1800’s. The people staffed as nurses were traditionally convicts, widows, and orphans in exchange for food and shelter. Nurses were poorly trained, poorly paid, and the ill were cruelly treated and abused and neglected (Grell, 1997). Charles Dickens novel, â€Å"The Life and Adventures of Marin Chuzzlewit†, tells of Sarah Gamp, a fictional nurse portrayed as an alcoholic who is a nurse midwife and layer out of the dead. She enjoys all of the hospitality given to her with no regard to the individuals to which she is hired to care for. According to the story nurses were ignorant, drunk, and lazy (Dickens, 2011). Although nursing care reform was a concern there were definite issues such as pay, workload, and recruiting quality individuals. The threat of nurse values arose concerning nursing care of the sick, so did the push for change in the quality of nurse selection. The domestic organization was under the direction of a Matron, recruited from a higher order of society and paid according to the position. Nurses were appointed by matrons who tried to find women of good character. According to French and Wear, in 1845 the matron of the Middlesex told the weekly board how she chose nurses. â€Å"They should be between 30 and 45 years of age, strong, healthy, unmarried and unencumbered with children. They should be accustomed to nursing, able to read and write, humane, honest, sober and clean in their work and person (French and Wear, 1991, 268)†. The nature and duties of patient care also was re-evaluated. The duties concerning patient care were the manual tasks of administering food and medicine, changing linen and emptying bedpans, and they also did the basic hospital cleaning (French and Wear, 1991). Pay being low, recruitment was difficult and many nurses were discharged for taking bribes or rollicking with the patients. The ward sisters, were principal nurses in immediate personal response on patients they played the key role. They were responsible to the matron and the steward for everything within the ward which was not a matter for the medical staff. They received differential rate of pay as senior nurses or sisters, typically in the range of five to ten pounds per annum 11 (French and Wear, 1991). By day the nurses performed domestic duties and administered to the wants of the patients. At night ‘watchers’ of a yet lower class supervised the wards, calling the sister who slept nearby if there was an important change in the condition of a patient. If watchers lay down or slept they were instantly discharged. The wages were comparable with the wages of a domestic servant and in certain areas lower (French and Wear, 1991). Reform took its shape in areas of parliament and government concerning wages. According to French and Wear (1991), many nurses required the sick or dying individual to pay them money before they would administer any care. This had become problematic, the Royal Infirmary Governor pushed to raise the wage for nurses. This wage increase would involve the nurse to discontinue this practice and was used to recruit and retain better nurses who took pride in their appearance and character. The change in recruitment strategy was to recruit women from a higher social class (French and Wear, 1991).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reality and the Existence of God Essay

When Descartes decided to tear down his beliefs and start fresh, he needed a foundation upon which to build his ideology. When judging what reality is, God must be considered. He/she must be taken out of a religious concept and proven to exist, exist in a way in which we cannot be deceived into only thinking is real. The proof of the existence of God in this way forms the backbone of Descartes’ further forays into proving what is reality. God, being the supremely powerful, all-knowing all-seeing force that created the world and everything in it, was central in most 17th century philosophies. When investigating the importance of god in Descartes’ philosophy, one must first understand the science of the times. The basic principle of mechanism is that everything in the universe could eventually be explained in terms of mechanical laws, and with these laws there is no free will. The universe moves like a complex clock, with everything pre-determined and in accordance with the laws of matter. Pierre Simon de Laplace stated â€Å"We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of the past and the cause of the future. An intellect which at any given moment knew all of the forces that animate nature and the mutual positions of the beings that compose it, if this intellect were vast enough to submit the data to analysis, could condense into a single formula the movement of the greatest bodies of the universe and that of the lightest atom; for such an intellect nothing could be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes. † (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mechanism_%28philosophy%29) Unfortunately for mechanism, the mind is impossible to define in mechanical terms, as it is not a corporeal substance that can be measured. Descartes responds to this problem with dualism, saying that the mind is a â€Å"thinking thing† which is the essence of himself. This â€Å"thing† doubts, believes, hopes and thinks, all the while existing only in a metaphysical sense as a non-extended, thinking thing; while the body is a non-thinking, extended thing. With this he had a clear and distinct idea of both mind and body, and whatever he could conceive, God could create. This led him to believe that the mind could be separate from the body, a substance whose essence was thought. Thus the idea of dualism was founded by the existence of God. As Descartes did not completely agree with mechanism or materialism, he had to essentially obliterate all his beliefs, wipe his proverbial slate clean, and start again. To reevaluate what was real and what was false, Descartes had to doubt everything, including the existence of God, and if he/she exists, whether or not God was a deceiver. Descartes put forward the question of whether or not there are any attributes to the idea of God which couldn’t have originated in himself, God being â€Å"infinite, eternal, unchangeable, independent, supremely intelligent, supremely powerful†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He came to the conclusion that none of these attributes could have come from him alone, as he possesses none of them. In this sense, God must exist. He then postulates the hierarchy argument, where the idea of God could not have been thought of by him, or man in general, as the attributes seen in God belong to some higher form. It does not matter that he cannot â€Å"grasp the infinite†, or touch the attributes of God as he himself is finite; the very nature of something being infinite is that it cannot be grasped by something finite. Thus, since the ideas of God are in some higher form, they must be the truest and most clear and distinct of all Descartes’ ideas. He then decided to ask how he could have received the idea of a perfect being from God, as he has never encountered such from the senses. He comes up with the idea of a craftsman, who, when he invents something, may fiddle and change parts of his creation as he chooses. The idea of God, in Descartes’ mind, could not be changed or interfered with; therefore he could not have created it himself. This leads to the belief in the idea of God being innate in him. He again uses the idea of a craftsman, with the idea of God as a â€Å"mark of the craftsman† stamped on his work, man. Descartes’ then postulated that he could not exist with the innate idea of God in his mind without God existing. This fostered his belief that God could not possibly be a deceiver, since for something to be fraudulent or deceitful it has to have some defect, which in God there is none. This began to form the foundation on which Descartes would continue to prove existence through methodical doubt. After he determined that yes, God exists, Descartes turned his attention to truth and falsity. He has determined that God would never deceive him, as wanting to deceive is a sign of malice or weakness, traits not pertaining to God. If God, then, does not deceive him, errors on his part must be of his own judgment. He uses God as a benchmark, saying he is somewhere between God and nothingness, between supreme being and non-being. In meditation number four, again he uses the craftsman analogy, that the more skilled the craftsman, the more perfect the creation. Since God created Descartes, he must be perfect, which leads him to believe that his making mistakes may be better than not doing so. Human free will is an issue that philosophers of every generation tackle in some form or another, and Descartes was no exception. When dealing with will, he believed that will is simply one’s ability to do or not do something, to accept or reject a proposition. This will is such that when a decision is presented to us, we have no sense that we are pushed one way or another by any external forces. He believed that freedom is strengthened by natural knowledge and divine grace, and that since God gave him the power of willing, it cannot be the cause of his mistakes. Simply, a mistake is made when one’s will extends beyond their intellect, when one applies will to matters they do not understand. This philosophy states that God has given him the freedom to choose his destiny in situations of which he does not have complete understanding, a view quite inconsistent with the beliefs of the time. Descartes could not have been an atheist and have come to the conclusions he did. The science of the time was a rigid belief that everything in the universe was bound by the laws of matter, and that it moved like a complex clock, everything pre-determined from the time it was created. A strong supporter of the idea of dualism, Descartes believed that the mind was not bound by the laws of matter and was intangible, a substance whose essence was thought. Since God created him, whatever he could conceive could also be created by God which is the founding principle of dualism. When he began to tear down his belief system, he needed a foundation on which to build his new knowledge. He proved the existence of God by using the hierarchy theory, that since none of the traits of God could be attributed to himself, they must have come from God. With this knowledge, Descartes tackled truth and falsity, the essence and existence of material things, and the real distinction between mind and body. All of which in some for or another were based on his foundation: that God exists and is not a deceiver. If he could prove the existence of God through methodical doubt, he could prove anything. He made this quite clear near the end of his fifth meditation; â€Å"I see plainly that the certainty and truth of all knowledge depends strictly on my awareness of the true God. So much that until I became aware of him I couldn’t perfectly know anything.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

All American Jazz Music essays

All American Jazz Music essays Jazz music came about in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. It is considered to be Americas Music. People call it this because of the way it was developed. In the mid 1800s, during the times of slavery and segregation, the art of jazz music swept over the south. Particularly Louisiana. Blacks, whites, men and women of all ages and backgrounds came together and created a new, more artsy form of music that is known as jazz. What makes jazz music so special is that it is one of a kind and that it is unpredictable. People would just get together and play their instruments, usually the bass, trumpet or piano, and make beats and play any sporadic melody that came to them. The music was enjoyed by many, and was a sort of doorway for many other kinds of music to be developed from. These other kinds of music include the blues and ragtime. During the time period that jazz was developed, it was a way for both the musicians and the listeners to forget their problems and just enjoy what they were hearing. Jazz spread quickly and was soon spread throughout the south and became popular with all kinds of people. Slaves would sing and doo-wop on their plantations to help pass time. Many believe that this was also partly responsible for the birth of Jazz music. Throughout the jazz era, slavery was in full gear in the south. Within a few years, the civil war broke out. Jazz was not only played for listening pleasure, jazz was played as a way to express feelings and tell stories. This was called the blues. The blues was a form of jazz in which there would be a slow beat and a rhythmic story being told in sync with the beat. The sudden wave of another form of jazz called ragtime brought about mixed feelings. This was upbeat music and caught the attention of many of the younger listeners. This brought on the age of Flappers. Flappers were young women who felt free and wore shorter skirts and had shorter hair. Th ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding Delphi Class (and Record) Helpers

Understanding Delphi Class (and Record) Helpers A feature of the Delphi language added some years ago (way back in in Delphi 2005) called Class Helpers is designed to let you add new functionality to an existing class (or a record) by introducing new methods to the class (record). Below youll see some more ideas for class helpers learn when to and when not to use class helpers. Class Helper For... In simple words, a class helper is a construct that extends a class by introducing new methods in the helper class. A class helper allows you to extend existing class without actually modifying it or inheriting from it. To extend the VCLs TStrings class you would declare and implement a class helper like the following: type TStringsHelper class helper for TStrings public function Contains(const aString : string) : boolean; end; The above class, called TStringsHelper is a class helper for the TStrings type. Note that TStrings is defined in the Classes.pas, a unit that is by default available in the uses clause for any Delphi forms unit, for example. The function were adding to the TStrings type using our class helper is Contains. The implementation could look like: function TStringsHelper.Contains(const aString: string): boolean; begin result : -1 IndexOf(aString); end; Im certain youve used the above many times in your code - to check if some TStrings descendant, like TStringList, has some string value in its Items collection. Note that, for example, the Items property of a TComboBox or a TListBox is of the TStrings type. Having the TStringsHelper implemented, and a list box on a form (named ListBox1), you can now check if some string is a part of the list box Items property by using: if ListBox1.Items.Contains(some string) then ... Class Helpers Go and NoGo The implementation of class helpers has some positive and some (you might think of) negative impacts to your coding. In general you should avoid extending your own classes - as if you need to add some new functionality to your own custom classes - add the new stuff in the class implementation directly - not using a class helper. Class helpers are therefore more designed to extend a class when you cannot (or do not need to) rely on normal class inheritance and interface implementations. A class helper cannot declare instance data, like new private fields (or properties that would read/write such fields). Adding new class fields is allowed. A class helper can add new methods (function, procedure). Before Delphi XE3 you could only extend classes and records - complex types. From Delphi XE 3 release you can also extend simple types like integer or string or TDateTime, and have construct like: var s : string; begin s : Delphi XE3 helpers; s : s.UpperCase.Reverse; end; Ill write about Delphi XE 3 simple type helper in the near future. Wheres MY Class Helper One limitation to using class helpers that might help you shoot yourself in the foot is the fact that you can define and associate multiple helpers with a single type. However, only zero or one helper applies in any specific location in source code. The helper defined in the nearest scope will apply. Class or record helper scope is determined in the normal Delphi fashion (for example, right to left in the units uses clause). What this means is that you might define two TStringsHelper class helpers in two different units but only one will apply when actually used! If a class helper is not defined in the unit where you use its introduced methods - which in most cases will be so, you do not know what class helper implementation you would actually be using. Two class helpers for TStrings, named differently or residing in different units might have different implementation for the Contains method in the above example. Use Or Not? Yes, but be aware of the possible side effects. Heres another handy extension to the above mentioned TStringsHelper class helper TStringsHelper class helper for TStrings private function GetTheObject(const aString: string): TObject; procedure SetTheObject(const aString: string; const Value: TObject); public property ObjectFor[const aString : string]: TObject read GetTheObject write SetTheObject; end; ... function TStringsHelper.GetTheObject(const aString: string): TObject; var idx : integer; begin result : nil; idx : IndexOf(aString); if idx -1 then result : Objects[idx]; end; procedure TStringsHelper.SetTheObject(const aString: string; const Value: TObject); var idx : integer; begin idx : IndexOf(aString); if idx -1 then Objects[idx] : Value; end; If youve been adding objects to a string list, you can guess when to use the above handy helper property.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Identifying the Authors Purpose on a Standardized Test

Identifying the Author's Purpose on a Standardized Test Knowing what authors purpose questions look like is one thing. Finding it is quite another! On a standardized test, youll have answer choices to help you figure it out, but distractor questions will often confuse you. On a short answer test, youll have nothing but your own brain to figure it out, and sometimes it isnt as easy at it seems. It may be helpful to practice these types of questions while preparing for standardized tests. Look For Clue Words Figuring out why an author wrote a particular passage can be as easy (or as difficult) as looking at clues inside the passage. Ive mentioned in the What is the Authors Purpose article several different reasons an author would have to write a passage of text, and what those reasons mean. Below, youll find those reasons, with the clue words associated with them. Compare: Author wanted to show similarities between ideasClue Words: both, similarly, in the same way, like, just asContrast: Author wanted to show differences between ideasClue Words: however, but, dissimilarly, on the other handCriticize: Author wanted to give a negative opinion of an ideaClue Words: Look for words that show the authors negative opinion. Judgment words like bad, wasteful, and poor all demonstrate negative opinions. Describe/Illustrate: Author wanted to paint a picture of an ideaClue Words: Look for words that provide descriptive detail. Adjectives like red, lusty, morose, striped, sparkling, and crestfallen are all illustrative.Explain: Author wanted to break down an idea into simpler termsClue Words: Look for words that turn a complicated process into simple language. A descriptive text will use more adjectives. An explanatory text will usually be used with a complicated idea.Identify/List: Author wanted to tell the reader about an idea or series of ideasClue Word s: Text that identifies or lists, will name an idea or series of ideas without providing much description or opinion. Intensify: Author wanted to make an idea greaterClue Words: Text that intensifies will add more specific details to the idea. Look for superlative adjectives and bigger concepts. A baby sadly crying is descriptive, but a baby mournfully howling red-cheeked for 30 minutes is more intense.Suggest: Author wanted to propose an ideaClue Words: Suggest answers are usually positive opinions and try to sway the reader to believe. The author will provide a point, then use details to prove it.​ Underline the Clue Words It helps to use that pencil in your hand when youre reading if youre unsure what the authors purpose is. As you read, underline the clue words in the text to help you get a better idea. Then, either compose a sentence using the key words (compare, explain, illustrate) to show why the author wrote the piece or select the best answer from the choices given.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Business - Assignment Example There is other ways/tool also listed. This is a serious threat to the privacy of an individual. It is also unethical for someone’s personal conversation or movements to be monitored. 3 The main issue/concern SWIPE is addressing is about the swiping of driver’s license and using the information obtained to purposes other than mentioned to the license holder. That is, there is greater data encrypted in the cards than one thinks. Many businesses such as bars swipe the cards for various purposes such as determining the age of the customer (bars). But the data obtained can also be used for other purposes such as marketing and illegal selling of data. Hence, there is an issue of privacy here which needs to be addresses. There must strict rules implemented in order to avoid misuse of this information. 4. As mentioned above there are definitely ethical and privacy issues involved. It is general understanding that the information is used only for the purpose intended. But once obtaining the data if it is used for a purpose other than mentioned to card holder, then it is unethical. Also all information available in the card is not necessary to fulfil the intended purpose and hence there is unwanted information that is made available which raises privacy issues. Personally I am not comfortable with such information being accessible to others until and unless it is absolutely necessary. 5. Texas has no data encoded on the cards which contrasts other states such as Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky as they have a lot of data encoded and also intend to add more data to it. The data they currently encode includes Licence number, expiration date, sex, name, etc. This means that the privacy of the card holders is respected but it would be beneficial for legal entities such as polices to have some minimal data

Friday, October 18, 2019

DeBeers advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

DeBeers advertising - Essay Example The simulacrum is true† (Ecclesiastes, cited in Baudrillard, 1994, p. 1) Introduction Observations reveal that in postmodern era extensive use of mass media and representative symbols have become an integral part of contemporary culture, where boundaries between fantasy and real world have merged, often making reality unrecognisable (Baudrillard, 1993, pp. 71-72). Mass production and photographic representation (advertisements) have modified human experience to the extent that â€Å"Irreality no longer belongs to the dream or phantasm†¦but to the hallucinatory resemblance of the real itself† (ibid, p. 72). In post-modern era, â€Å"reality† is identified only when it is mimeographed through cloning or simulation; while truth is interceded and manipulated in a manner where present genre of humans fail to differentiate between imaginary and real world, a condition termed as â€Å"hyper-reality† (ibid, pp.70-76). In the context of artificially creating a condition of reality, the best-known example is that of DeBeers where the tagline, â€Å"a diamond is forever† is known to have attached a false sense of value to a simple carbonated rock particle. Besides this, the De Beers advertisements also make strong use of the sign and signification concept (including the referent, the signifier and the signified), where their advertisements, instead of giving any information on the products create meanings through various signs and symbols. ... In this context, the paper will examine the concept of simulation and hyper-reality, comprehend how media managed to manipulate and erase the basic line between fantasy and reality, and create a false sense of value or consumer emotion. It will also analyse the concept of sign and signification, to find out the meaning behind the signs and symbols used in the advertisements. Discussion In post-modernism (especially in the context of capitalistic economies and post-modern developed nations), hyperrealism is a concept that reveals a condition where human consciousness fails to differentiate between falsely created ‘real’ world (simulation) and actual reality (Baudrillard, 1994). In other words, hyper-reality typifies what consciousness distinguishes as "reality" in the cultural context where mass media has the power to alter incidents before presenting them to the readers/viewers. It has resulted from logically derived simulation processes, where signs, logos or phrase-wor ds are being used with increasing frequencies to substitute real products or emotions. Symbols or catchy phrase-words that imitate reality are being made to appear as simplified and easy to recognise. They first cover and then replace the real objects or emotions, and finally end up being more ‘real’ than reality itself (ibid). Modern culture has thus turned into a substitute for reality where â€Å"everything is therefore right on the surface, absolutely superficial. There is no longer a need or requirement for depth or perspective; today, the real and the imaginary are confounded in the same operational totality, and aesthetic fascination is simply everywhere† (Baudrillard, 1976, p. 1019). According to Baudrillard

Business Plan for Robert Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Business Plan for Robert - Term Paper Example The company will bear all the associated expenses of the business process rather than just passing it to the customer side and in this respect, the company will gradually have declining profit margin. Quite a favorable chance also exists in case of Robert deciding to decrease his part of the liability by increasing the per unit selling price of the chocolate consignments for increased profit in future. For instance, in the provided question multiple instances describes that the investments made by Robert on the equipment and the storage locations. As a countering part, the discussion also comprises facts depicting how Robert should increase his product selling prices by certain percentage on every quarterly basis in order to recover the additional amount of US$ 16,000, which he has initially invested on the machineries and on processes such as website designing and marketing research. Considerable facts regarding how Robert should expands his market and bring about segmentation withi n customers are also taken under consideration with the aim of enhancing business performances. Additionally, the report also signifies the necessity of an effective ‘supply chain management’, which needs to be attained by Robert to provide better quality of product delivery services to the customers. In addition, the supply chain management will also enhance the product procurement process. The idea regarding these aspects has been provided in such a manner that customers satisfied with the services will gradually bring about more demands for the products offered by the business conducted by Robert. In this context, it can easily expand his market along with periodically increase the product selling prices as well. Robert has been conducting business for many years in New York.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus Essay

Erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus - Essay Example There is a homoerotic and incestuous undertone to the union of the brothers at the end of the play that contributes to the production of humor. This paper shall seek to analyse these aspects of the play and why these can or cannot be used in a modern play. Erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus The erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus contribute greatly to the comedy that is an intrinsic part of the play. The presence of a wife and a mistress and the confusion that ensues is something that is a stock situation that is used for humor in many plays. Plautus combines this with the presence of the twin brothers who look exactly like each other to create situations that are not only funny but also educative and subversive of contemporary ideas of appearances and reality. Subversion occurs at another level, where the homoerotic element is hinted at. However, it is not developed fully and is turned into another occasion for laughter and the production of comedy. The name Erotium i n itself lends itself to suggestive explanations that produce situations that are worthy of laughter to an audience that heard the dialogues in the original Latin that the play was written in. The recourse that Menaechmus takes is that of taking refuge in the arms of his mistress. His wife remains an insignificant character as opposed to the prostitute. His wife is not even provided with a name in most translations.

Newspaper article that is relevant to the economics concepts Essay

Newspaper article that is relevant to the economics concepts - Essay Example Together with other legislators they want this figure to rise to $10.10 per hour. It is argued by other economists that this will interfere with the market since the new wages will not be in line with the market demand and supply forces that are outlined in the diagram below (Jekin, 2001). According to this diagram, the supply and demand of commodities have a direct impact on the price of the commodity. In this case, the goods in question will be the labor. In regards to the law of demand, when there is an increased supply of a commodity the demand for the product is expected to drop. The demand for products is highest when the supply of a given product is quite low. In this situation, people are willing to pay an extra amount so as to get the product since it is not readily available. Therefore the low rates of minimum wage can be attributed to the fact that there are many laborers who are ready and willing to work at that wage and therefore the industries should be left to decide the minimum wage (Gale, 2009). However, when the president increases the minimum wage, there will be two effects. One of which is that industries will not be able to pay people the expected amount and therefore will have to lay off workers. On the other hand, the increase in the minimum wage is likely to attract more people to these jobs. Both of these instances will result to an increase in the supply of labor. According to the law of supply, when the supply is high, the demand is low and this pushes the price of the service much lower so as to increase uptake. However, when the demand and the supply curves cross is where there is an equilibrium point (Jekin, 2001). As illustrated in the diagram above, an increase in the minimum wage is likely to result in a shift in the labor supply curve. A shift in the labor curve results to an increase in workers in the market. This increase in the amount of laborers will lead to a decrease in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus Essay

Erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus - Essay Example There is a homoerotic and incestuous undertone to the union of the brothers at the end of the play that contributes to the production of humor. This paper shall seek to analyse these aspects of the play and why these can or cannot be used in a modern play. Erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus The erotic elements in The Brothers Menaechmus contribute greatly to the comedy that is an intrinsic part of the play. The presence of a wife and a mistress and the confusion that ensues is something that is a stock situation that is used for humor in many plays. Plautus combines this with the presence of the twin brothers who look exactly like each other to create situations that are not only funny but also educative and subversive of contemporary ideas of appearances and reality. Subversion occurs at another level, where the homoerotic element is hinted at. However, it is not developed fully and is turned into another occasion for laughter and the production of comedy. The name Erotium i n itself lends itself to suggestive explanations that produce situations that are worthy of laughter to an audience that heard the dialogues in the original Latin that the play was written in. The recourse that Menaechmus takes is that of taking refuge in the arms of his mistress. His wife remains an insignificant character as opposed to the prostitute. His wife is not even provided with a name in most translations.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Strategic analysis paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic analysis - Research Paper Example In 1928, the General Mills acquired other companies due to its fast growth. The companies that were involved in the merger included the Wichita Mill and Elevator Company. Between the years 1929 and 2004, the General Mills was involved in several other mergers (Brucato 2012). The main aim of the mergers was to enable the company to produce high quality products that would be acceptable in the market. For example, in the year 1965, the General Mills bought Rainbow Crafts, which was the manufacturer of Play-DOH. This buying of the company benefited General Mills since it played a big role in reducing the costs of production in the company and also the revenue that the company got from it transactions increased drastically. Merging of companies has a great advantage to the companies involved in the merger (Doz and Hamel 1998). The company sells different food products in several brands in the world market. These include brands such as Betty Crocker, Yoplait, Colombo, Trix and Lucky Charm s to mention a few. Since the year 2004, the General Mills Company has produced products of high quality but their main market has been the wealthy that are conscious with their health. In 2012, the company was ranked among America’s largest corporations. The company was also ranked as the third-largest consumer products company in the United States of America. The purpose of studying the General Mills was to understand in great depth its current financial situation and also its current position among the words’ food producing companies so that a strategy and action can be taken to improve the quality of the products it produces. This would also help to trigger its rise in the ranking of food producing companies worldwide. During the study, the possible big competitors to the company were also examined. The study looks at the strengths of the company, its weaknesses, opportunities and threats that it might be facing since its foundation. The threats that the General Mi lls experiences in other words are also the problems that the company faces. The study therefore helped to come up with the solutions to the problems. General Mills, Inc just like several other food producing companies has strengths and weaknesses that must first look at and considered so that the company can be successful and be at par with other food producing companies in the United States and in the world (Brucato 2012). There are also opportunities that have come up in the company recently as a result of its success and production of quality products. Despite all these strengths and opportunities, there exist several threats that are a great problem in the development of the company (Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin and Taylor 2005). The threats have negative impacts such as causing losses in the company. Among the strengths of the company, one is that the company has ready availability of resources that is important in the production of its products. This helps it to be consistent in it s production thus having a constant and a wide market for its goods. The other strength of the company is that it has good and fast transportation system for its finished products. General Mills has wide market worldwide and within the US. Therefore it has several aircrafts that are efficient in the exportation of the perishable food products to other countries. The other strength of the company is the availability of a ready market for its products. The company is ranked as the third largest food

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reporting Abuses Essay Example for Free

Reporting Abuses Essay Every child must be protected from harm because it can cause many negative effects like trauma, physical and psychological disorders and any other illness that may effect their growth. So, the government makes a law that helps the child from being abused. This law can be found on Penal Code Section 11164 – 1174.4.3 (California Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 2007). This law aims to protect children and to give the rights of every child. This law also states that failure to report any abuses will consider a crime. In this way, everyone will be aware that they have the responsibility to protect every child, even if you don’t know them (California Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 2007). There are several cases of child abuse in our society but with the help of other people, it has been stopped like the story of Jenny (not her real name). She is a 4 year-old girl that lives with her father. Her mother was in the other country to work. Jenny was abused by his father and the poor little kid can’t do anything. One concerned neighbor report this incident. She reports all the maltreatment Jenny’s father do. Jenny’s father was caught and the child was claimed by the social welfare society until her mother arrives. Now, Jenny is living with her mother and her father was still in jail. This incident is an example of child protection. Jenny’s neighbor, even though she never knew her, helps Jenny and gives her the right to enjoy childhood. Based on Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals, we must protect them from any harm. We must guide, educate, and provide them what they need for them to grow physically, psychologically and socially normal (Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals, 1996). Reporting child abuses doesn’t mean that you won’t get any protection. The law also states that any reporters will get the protection needed to protect them. In this way, the concerned people won’t be afraid of reporting anyone who commits this crime. Their identity will remain confidential and they will have immunity for civil and criminal liability. The government also ensures that every report is true because if it is false, the reporter will suffer the consequences (The Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Childrens Sport in

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis Of RSA Algorithm Communications Essay

Analysis Of RSA Algorithm Communications Essay To protect and hide data from malicious attacker and irrelevant public is the fundamental necessity of a security system. So for this reason for hiding data many cryptographic primitives like symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, digital signatures, hash functions etc. The symmetric cryptography consists of same key for encrypting and also for decrypting the data. Where as asymmetric cryptography takes advantage of a pair of keys to encrypt and decrypt the message. These keys are public key and a private key. The key which is distributed to other and which is publicly known is known as a public key and the key which is kept secret is known as private key. These two keys are needed simultaneously both for encrypting and decrypting the data. Public key will encrypt the data where as private key is used to decrypt the data. Asymmetric cryptographic should satisfy following properties. They are: Key generation process must be computationally efficient. By using the public key of the receiver the sender must be able to process the cipher text for any given message. By using the private key the decryption of cipher text into plain text should be done by the receiver. It will be impossible to compute like encrypt or decrypt the data without either of the key. RSA was designed by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman. It is an asymmetric cryptographic technology. As in asymmetric cryptographic encryption the public key is known by everyone where as the private key is kept undisclosed. For decryption of data which is encrypted with the public key, private key must only be used. Integers between 0 to n-1 where n is the modulus are taken as cipher and plain text. This n is generally 1024 bits. But the suggested length of n is 2048 bits instead of 1024 bits because it is no longer secure. Algorithm of Key generation: The following steps describe how a set of keys are generated. Two different prime numbers are selected which are not equal. Say p and q. this numbers are of same bit length. Determine modulus n where n=p.q Process or calculate à Ã¢â‚¬  (pq) =(pà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1)(qà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢1). Here à Ã¢â‚¬   is totient. Select an integer which is public exponent e, such that 1 Calculate d. This can be calculated by using modular arithmetic. This should satisfy de=1. Now this ed-1 should be evenly divided by (p-1)(q-1) . Here (n,e) is the public key which is used for encryption and (n,d) is a private key which is used for decryption. Encryption: The following steps describe the how encryption is done in RSA algorithm. It is illustrated with an example where in two imaginary characters are described Alice and Bob. As we know that public key is (n,e) this is transmitted by Alice to Bob by keeping her private key secret. A message say M is wished by Bob to send to Alice. Before sending the message M it is converted into an integer 0 Get the public key which is (n,e) Plain text integer is represented by m. Calculate cipher text as shown c=me Cipher text c is send to the receiver. Decryption: Now when Alice receives the message sent by Bob, she regains the original message m from cipher text c by utilizing her private key exponent d. this can be done by cd=m (mod n). Now she can recover M once she regains m by using Padding scheme. This is shown as cd = (me)d = med (mod n). Since , med = m1+kq(n) =m(mq(n))k =m (mod n) . By this we get the original message back. This can be shown in following steps. Private key (n,d) is used by receiver to calculate m=cd mod n. The plaintext m is extracted. Computational issues of RSA: Selection of the two prime numbers p q: In the very first step p is selected from a set of random number. After this it is ensured that p is odd by setting its highest and lowest bit. Finally p is made prime by applying a Miller Rabin algorithm. Choosing the value of e: By choosing a prime number for e, the mathematical equation can be satisfied. That is gcd(e,p-1) = q. Among these three numbers which are 3, 17 and 65537 e is chosen for fast modular exponentiation. Calculating the value d: It is determined by Extended Euclidean Algorithm which is equivalent to d = e-1 (mod q(n)). Modular exponentiation algorithm: This step of RSA is calculated by following mathematical equation: AB mod n = ( Security of RSA: RSA cryptosystems security system is not so perfect. Many attacks are present like Brute Force attack, Timing Attack, chosen Ciphertext attack and Mathematical attack are some prominent attack. Brute Force Attack: In this attack the attacker finds all possible way of combinations to break the private key. If the length of the key is long then it will be difficult for Brute force attackers to break the key as the possible combinations will exponentially increases rather then linearly. RSA uses a short secret key to avoid the long computations for encrypting and decrypting the data. If the key is long the process will become little slow because of these computations. Since RSA uses a short secret key Bute Force attack can easily break the key and hence make the system insecure. Mathematical Attacks: Since RSA algorithm is mathematical, the most prominent attack against RSA is Mathematical Attack. In the following way an attacker can attack the mathematical properties of RSA algorithm. * By finding out the values of p and q which are prime factors of modulus n, the à Ã¢â‚¬  (n)= (p-1)(q-1) can be found out. By finding out this it will be easy to find d = e-1(mod à Ã¢â‚¬   (n)). d = e-1(mod à Ã¢â‚¬   (n)). Can be directly calculated by determining the value of totient à Ã¢â‚¬  (n) without figuring the values of p and q. d can be figured out directly without first calculating the à Ã¢â‚¬  (n). This attack can be circumvented by using long length of key. By doing this it would be difficult to find out prime factors. That is the reason why it was recommended to use size of modulus as 2048 bits. Timing Attack: one of the side channel attack is timing attack in which attackers calculate the time variation for implementation. Attackers can easily determine d by calculating the time variations that take place for computation of Cd (mod n) for a given cipher text C. Many countermeasures are developed against such timing attacks. Following explains the way which this attack can be counteracted: If the time for all computations is made constant this attack can be counteracted but the problem in doing this is it can degrade the computational efficiency. By artificially showing noise to the attacker which can be produced by including a random delay to the exponentiation algorithm. This noise is virtual but appears real to the attacker. If we multiply a random number to the cipher text it will prevent the attacker from bit by bit scrutiny. Chosen Ciphertext Attack: RSA is susceptible to chosen cipher text attack due to mathematical property me1me2 = (m1m2)e (mod n) product of two plain text which is resultant of product of two cipher text. For example c = me (mod n) which is cipher text is decrypted in following steps: Calculate x = (c x 2e) mod n. Receive y = xd (mod n) by submitting x as a chosen cipher text. Multiplicative property is then applied which is: x = (c mod n) x (2c mod n) = (mc mod n ) x (2c mod n) = (2m)c mod n. By this attacker can calculate m by using y = (2m). By padding the plain text at the implementation level this restraint can be easily solved. Several versions of RSA cryptography standard are been implemented. PKCS Public Key Cryptography standards are latest version. The previous version was proven to be porn to Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext attack (CCA2). This adaptive chosen cipher text can be prevented by latest version which is Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP). Bellare and Rogway introduced this OAEP. To process the plain text before encryption the OAEP uses a pair of casual oracles G and H which is Feistel network. Following two goals are satisfied by OAEP. OAEP PADDING PROCEDURE Due to addition of random numbers the probabilistic scheme are being replaced instead of the deterministic encryption scheme. If the attacker is unable to invert the trapdoor one way permutation then the partial decryption of the cipher text is prevented.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Consequences of Teen Alcohol Use Essays -- Papers

We live in a society that drinks heavily, and this influences teens. Most Americans use alcohol to celebrate wedding anniversaries, to welcome the New Year, and to enjoy many other special events. Alcohol is a legal drug for people over the age of twenty-one. By the time most teens reach senior high school, nearly all will have faced a choice about whether or not to take a drink. Although this drug is illegal for teenage use a large percentage of teens use alcohol. Many teens die in automobile accidents, which could have prevented if they had chosen to say no. Each year it is blame in the deaths of more than four thousand teens (Claypool, p. 42). No crime kills more teenagers in America. Kids who are drinking regularly in high school seem to be fully aware of the penalties and laws against underage drinking, possession but don't care. They agree that driving while intoxicated is a key role in fatal car accidents, yet they still do it. Many teens also believe cold showers and coffee c an sober up a person that is drunk Teens may drink for many different reasons. A big reason for teens to start to drink is because of problems in their family life. Teens could have a bad relationship with their parents or their parents could get in a fight or even get a divorce and this could cause a drinking problem among their child. Many experts agree that the main reason teens are becoming alcoholics is low self-esteem. Sometimes these children have been neglected or abused which makes them feel unwanted or they have been pressured and feel worthless if they fail. They have to deal with problems that he is too immature to handle, or worries about problems, which are problems at all. Many kids drink to make them feel older and mature. It makes you ... ...ovide accurate information instead of attempting influence through social tactics. Alateen is a program for alcoholic recovery. Meetings are free, anonymous, and confidential. There primary purpose is to help families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of a drinking problem. The only requirement for membership is to have a problem of alcoholism. Members give and receive comfort and understanding through an exchange of experiences, strength, and hope (www.alateen.com). Defining the drinking problems of teenagers is more complicated than doing so for adults for several reasons. Since teens have had a shorter period of time and fewer opportunities to experience alcohol use, they suffer less from long term effects of heavy drinking. Most teens so not have to support themselves. If they may lose a job because of drinking it probably wouldn't be a problem.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Irony and Foreshadowing in Poe’s Short Stories Essay

In Poe’s short stories, he uses literary devices like irony and foreshadowing to increase reader interest in his stories. Irony and Foreshadowing helps to create suspense, anxiety, and humor in his works. They also help to capture the audience’s attention and draw them into the story. Poe’s irony and foreshadowing are integrated in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†. â€Å"The Cask of the Amontillado† is one of the best examples of irony and foreshadowing in Poe’s works. In this story, almost every detail seems to stand for something else. These ironic details foreshadow Fortunado’s horrible death. Poe’s uses irony and foreshadowing to develop suspense and mood throughout this story. The first example of irony in this story lies in the character’s name. The name Forunato is ironic because it sounds like the word fortunate. Also Fortunato translates to â€Å"fortunate one† in Italian and suggests good luck. As we know from the beginning of the story, Fortunato is not so fortunate and his future lies in the hands of Montresor. Other ironies abound in the setting of the â€Å"Cask of the Amontillado. † This story takes place in Italy during Carnival, which is a joyous and happy time full of family, friends, and food. Carnival is the last place one would think of committing a murder. This ironic setting is one of the reasons Montresor is so successful and is why Fortunato is so surprised. A more visual and humorous irony lies in Fortunato’s apparel. â€Å"The man wore motley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells† (Poe â€Å"Cask†). His festive outfit contrasts with the impending doom that awaits him. Also, it is ironic that Fortunato believes that he is intelligent on the subject of wines, but he is dressed as a fool. In addition to irony, forshadowing is evident in the opening paragraph of the â€Å"Cask of the Amontillado†. Montresor’s first words to the reader are: The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge. You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that gave utterance to a threat. At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely, settled –but the very definitiveness with which it was resolved precluded the idea of risk. I must not only punish but punish with impunity (Poe â€Å"Cask†). Clearly, Montresor has serious intentions for Fortunato, and these comments foreshadow Montresor’s vengeance on Forunato at the end of the story. Montresor says he must not only punish but punish with impunity. This foreshadows how an insult drove Montresor to take justice into his own hands and implies that Forunato’s punishment was deserved. Later in the story we see how this justice is really just an excuse for murder. Another instance of foreshadowing is when Montresor and Fortunato are in the vaults, looking for the cask of Amontillado. Fortunato begins to cough and says, â€Å"Enough, the cough’s a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough† (Poe â€Å"Cask†). This foreshadows his death because Fortunato was right in that he would not die of a cough but that he would die of something much more sinister. The clueless Fortunato also mentions that he has forgotten what Montresor’s family coat of arms looks like. Montresor describes his coat of arms as â€Å"A huge human foot d’or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel† (Poe â€Å"Cask†). This symbolically foreshadows Fortunato’s death because Montresor represents the human foot crushing the serpent, which represents Fortunato. This coat of arms shows that Montresor was not the first in his family to take justice into his own hands, a hint that Fortunato does not pick up on. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† also makes good use of irony and foreshadowing. It is one of Poe’s most well-known short stories and is considered one of his best. This story shows us how important irony and foreshadowing are to a gothic tale by providing suspense and humor to Poe’s stories. One instance of irony in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is in one of Usher’s many paintings. In this painting, Usher paints a vault for the burial of a body. This is ironic because it portrays the tomb in which Madeline will be buried. It also shows how Lady Madeline would be buried alive. This painting signifies Usher’s dark thoughts and leads us to believe that he planned to bury Lady Madeline alive. Another example of irony is when the narrator reads Usher the story the â€Å"Mad Trist†. The narrator reads this story in order to calm both his and Usher’s nerves. This is ironic because the â€Å"Mad Trist† is a parody about a medieval romance. Poe introduces this story at the greatest moment of tension in the story; the Narrator cannot sleep, a storm rages outside, and Usher is on the brink of hysteria. The narrator could not have picked a worse time to read this book. (Poe â€Å"Usher’). Probably the most ironic part of the story was the change that Lady Madeline experiences before she is buried and after she is buried. When the narrator first sees Madeline, before she is buried, she is lifeless and can barely move or talk. After she comes back from being buried alive however, she has much more of an impact on the people and things around her. When she comes back from the dead, she has enough strength to tackle and kill Usher. This shows us that Lady Madeline has grown since her death. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is known for its Gothic elements. In this story Poe describes the house as bleak, gloomy, and close to crumbling down. When the narrator first sees the house at the beginning of the story he says, â€Å"I know not how it was — but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit† (Poe 139). The gloom and bleakness of the house foreshadows the doom and horrors that will occur inside the house later on in the story. Poe lets us know from the beginning of the story that something execrable will happen inside that house. Poe’s description of the Lady Madeline as having â€Å"affections of a partially cataleptical character† (155) predicts her early death. The word cataleptical means to be in a state in which consciousness and feeling are lost and the body assumes a death-like rigidity. Lady Madeline’s description foreshadows her death because she is described as lifeless and lost. She seems as if she was already dead. The most obvious example of foreshadowing in this story lies in the title. â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† foreshadows what will happen to not only the physical House of Usher, but also the symbolic House of Usher. Symbolically, the House of Usher represents the bloodline of Ushers. When the house crumbles to the ground at the end of the story, it represents the end of the Usher bloodline. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† and â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† give a multitude of examples of both irony and foreshadowing. Poe uses these literary devices to develop suspense and mood in these stories. Without these literary devices, his stories would seem flat and boring. Poe’s literary devices are what captured and maintained my interests thought his stories.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Coffee Shop Business Plan

Java Culture coffee bar is determined to become a daily necessity for local coffee addicts, a place to dream of as you try to escape the daily stresses of life and just a comfortable place to meet your friends or to read a book, all in one. With the growing demand for high-quality gourmet coffee and great service, Java Culture will capitalize on its proximity to the University of Oregon campus to build a core group of repeat customers.Java Culture will offer its customers the best prepared coffee in the area that will be complimented with pastries, as well as free books that its patrons can read to enjoy their visit. The company will operate a 2,300 square foot coffee bar within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus. The owners have secured this location through a three-year lease with an option for extending. The have also provided $140,000 of the required $170,000 start-up funds. The remaining capital will be obtained through Bank of America commercial loans.The c ompany is expected to grow sales revenue from $584,000 in FY2001 to $706,000 in year three. As Java Culture will strive to maintain a 65% gross profit margin and reasonable operating expenses, it will see net profits grow from $100,000 to $125,000 during the same period. 1. 1 Objectives Java Culture’s objectives for the first year of operations are: Become selected as the â€Å"Best New Coffee Bar in the area† by the local restaurant guide. Turn in profits from the first month of operations. Maintain a 65% gross margin. 1. 2 Keys to Success The keys to success will be:Store design that will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and efficient operations. Employee training to insure the best coffee preparation techniques. Marketing strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers, as well as maximizing the sales of high margin products, such as espresso drinks. 1. 3 Mission Java Culture will make its best effort to create a unique place where customers can socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment while enjoying the best brewed coffee or espresso and pastries in town.We will be in the business of helping our customers to relieve their daily stresses by providing piece of mind through great ambience, convenient location, friendly customer service, and products of consistently high quality. Java Culture will invest its profits to increase the employee satisfaction while providing stable return to its shareholders. Company Summary Java Culture, an Oregon limited liability company, sells coffee, other beverages and snacks in its 2,300 square feet premium coffee bar located near the University of Oregon campus.Java Culture’s major investors are Arthur Garfield and James Polk who cumulatively own over 70% of the company. The start-up loss of the company is assumed in the amount of $27,680. 2. 1 Company Ownership Java Culture is registered as a Limited Liability Corporation in the state o f Oregon. Arthur Garfield owns 51% of the company. His cousin, James Polk, as well as Megan Flanigan and Todd Barkley hold minority stakes in Java Culture, LLC. 2. 2 Company Locations and Facilities Java Culture coffee bar will be located on the ground floor of the commercial building at the corner of West 13th Avenue and Patterson Street in Eugene, OR.The company has secured a one-year lease of the vacant 2,500 square feet premises previously occupied by a hair salon. The lease contract has an option of renewal for three years at a fixed rate that Java Culture will execute depending on the financial strength of its business. The floor plan will include a 200 square feet back office and a 2,300 square feet coffee bar, which will include a seating area with 15 tables, a kitchen, storage area and two bathrooms.The space in the coffee bar will be approximately distributed the following way–1,260 square feet (i. e., 55% of the total) for the seating area, 600 square feet (26%) fo r the production area, and the remaining 440 square feet (19%) for the customer service area. This property is located in a commercial area within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus on the corner of a major thoroughfare connecting affluent South Eugene neighborhood with the busy downtown commercial area. The commercially zoned premises have the necessary water and electricity hookups and will require only minor remodeling to accommodate the espresso bar, kitchen and storage area.The coffee bar’s open and clean interior design with modern wooden decor will convey the quality of the served beverages and snacks, and will be in-line with the establishment’s positioning as an eclectic place where people can relax and enjoy their cup of coffee. The clear window displays, through which passerby will be able to see customers enjoying their beverages, and outside electric signs will be aimed to grab the attention of the customer traffic. Products Java Cultu re will offer its customers the best tasting coffee beverages in the area.This will be achieved by using high-quality ingredients and strictly following preparation guidelines. The store layout, menu listings and marketing activities will be focused on maximizing the sales of higher margin espresso drinks. Along with the espresso drinks, brewed coffee and teas, as well as some refreshment beverages, will be sold in the coffee bar. Java Culture will also offer its clients pastries, small salads and sandwiches. For the gourmet clientele that prefers to prepare its coffee at home, Java Culture will also be selling coffee beans.The menu offerings will be supplemented by free books and magazines that customers can read inside the coffee bar. 3. 1 Product Description The menu of the Java Culture coffee bar will be built around espresso-based coffee drinks such as lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, etc. Each of the espresso-based drinks will be offered with whole, skimmed, or soy milk. Each of t hese coffee beverages is based on a ‘shot’ of espresso, which is prepared in the espresso machine by forcing heated water through ground coffee at high pressure.Such espresso shots are combined with steamed milk and/or other additives like cocoa, caramel, etc. , to prepare the espresso-based beverages. Proper preparation techniques are of paramount importance for such drinks. A minor deviation from the amount of coffee in the shot, the size of the coffee particles, the temperature of milk, etc. , can negatively affect the quality of the prepared drink. 3. 2 Sales Literature Two thousand flyers will be distributed in the adjacent neighborhood, on the University campus, at the malls and in the selected office buildings within two weeks prior to the opening of Java Culture.Subsequently, free postcards with Java Culture endorsement will be printed to increase the company visibility among the patrons. Market Analysis Summary U. S. coffee consumption has shown steady growth, with gourmet coffee having the strongest growth. Coffee drinkers in the Pacific Northwest are among the most demanding ones. They favor well-brewed gourmet coffee drinks and demand great service. Eugene, OR, with its liberal and outgoing populace and long rainy winter, has traditionally been a great place for coffee establishments.Java Culture will strive to build a loyal customer base by offering a great tasting coffee in a relaxing environment of its coffee bar located close to the bustling University of Oregon campus. 4. 1 Market Segmentation Java Culture will focus its marketing activities on reaching the University students and faculty, people working in offices located close to the coffee bar and on sophisticated teenagers. Our market research shows that these are the customer groups that are most likely to buy gourmet coffee products.Since gourmet coffee consumption is universal across different income categories and mostly depends on the level of higher education, proximity to the University of Oregon campus will provide access to the targeted customer audience. 4. 2 Target Market Segment Strategy Java Culture will cater to people who want to get their daily cup of great-tasting coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. Such customers vary in age, although our location close to the University campus means that most of our clientele will be college students and faculty. Our market research shows that these are discerning customers that gravitate towards better tasting coffee.Furthermore, a lot of college students consider coffee bars to be a convenient studying or meeting location, where they can read or meet with peers without the necessity to pay cover charges. For us, this will provide a unique possibility for building a loyal client base. 4. 2. 1 Market Needs General trend toward quality among U. S. consumers definitely plays an important role in the recent growth in gourmet coffee. Additionally, such factors as desire for small indulgencies, for something m ore exotic and unique, provide a good selling opportunity for coffee bars.4. 3 Industry Analysis Coffee consumption has shown a steady 2. 5% growth rate in the United States over the last decade. In 1994, total sales of coffee were approximately $7. 5 billion with gourmet coffee representing 33% (or $2. 5 billion) of that. The retail coffee industry is flourishing in the U. S. Pacific Northwest. The local climate, with a long rainy season, is very conducive for the consumption of hot non-alcoholic beverages. At the same time, hot dry summers drive people into cafes to order iced drinks.Further, coffee has really become a part of the lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Its discerning coffee drinkers are in favor of well-prepared, strong coffee-based beverages, which they can consume in a relaxing environment. 4. 3. 1 Competition and Buying Patterns Competition According to the 1997 Oregon Food service Statistics (NAICS 72), Eugene had 45 established snack & non-alcoholic beverage bar s (NAICS 722213) with total sales of $14. 2 million. Among other establishments that offer coffee drinks to their customers are most of Eugene’s limited- and full-service restaurants.Java Culture’s direct competitors will be other coffee bars located near the University of Oregon campus. These include Starbucks, Cafe Roma, The UO Bookstore, and other Food service establishments that offer coffee. Starbucks will definitely be one of the major competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and operational practices. However, despite of Starbuck’s entrenched market position, many customers favor smaller, independent establishments that offer cozy atmosphere and good coffee at affordable prices.Cafe Roma is a good example of such competition. We estimate that Starbucks holds approximately 35% market share in that neighborhood, Cafe Roma appeals to 25% of customers, The UO Bookstore caters to another 10%, with the remaining market shar e split among other establishments. Java Culture will position itself as a unique coffee bar that not only offers the best tasting coffee and pastries but also provides home-like, cozy and comfortable environment, which established corporate establishments lack.We will cater to customers’ bodies and minds, which will help us grow our market share in this competitive market. Buying Patterns The major reason for the customers to return to a specific coffee bar is a great tasting coffee, quick service and pleasant atmosphere. Although, as stated before, coffee consumption is uniform across different income segments, Java Culture will price its product offerings competitively. We strongly believe that selling coffee with a great service in a nice setting will help us build a strong base of loyal clientele.

Summary: The Native Son

The Native Son is a novel by Richard Wright, which is set in southern part of Chicago in the 1930’s. The novel, which was divided into three books, Fear, Flight, and Fate, is basically a story of 22-year old Bigger Thomas, an African-American, and his struggles living an impoverished life of crime The scene opens with Bigger being awakened by the screams of his sister, Vera and mother. He saw that the cause of the commotion was a big rat. He and his brother, Buddy, drove the rodent into a corner, but the rat retaliates and wounds Bigger. Ultimately, Bigger kills the rat with a heavy iron skilled Bigger's wanted to become an aviator but is instead given a job for a white millionaire-philanthropist named Henry Dalton. During this time, his mother warns him to forget his criminal habits, lest he end up in prison and also tells him to go out and get a job if he â€Å"had any manhood in him.† Although he sincerely cares about his family, Bigger knows that he will never have a big time job that will enable him to support his family Despite his mother’s warning, Bigger meets his gang and they hatch a plan to rob Blum's Deli. However, he is actually afraid to commit robbery and he tells this to his friend Gus, who in turn calls Bigger’s bluff. This angered Bigger and he attempted to stab his would-be friend but gets up being kicked out of the gang. He then prepares for the interview with Mr. Dalton. Although Bigger doesn’t really want to take the job, he is amazed by the massive wealth of his potential employer so he decides to proceed. However, he fails to answer clearly at the interview and frightened by some of the house’s furniture as well as Mr. Dalton’s blind wife, his maid Peggy and daughter Mary. Bigger remembers seeing Mary in a newsreel which showed that she was Communist sympathizer along with her boyfriend, Jan Elrone, who is a communist herself.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

Business Law - Essay Example 56). The second issue arises from Robert`s customer who claimed that Robert had neglected or had carelessly left a pin in the neck of the sheep skin coat that he had bought which resulted into Grant experiencing blood poisoning and thus was admitted in the hospital for a whole week interfering with his work for a month. Accordingly, the third case in this research involves wool traders and SnoDogs clothing. In this case, the two participants had an issue with the prices. For instance, SnoDogs Clothing claimed that wool traders had changed their prices on the delivery invoice about $360 more than the initial price shown at the time of the order. Relevant Legal Principles The case study has demonstrated some examples of legal principles and they encompass an intention to develop legal relations. This is usually so if the contract is a commercial one which will demand the court to take up this purpose. Like in this case, wool traders had the intention of establishing a legal relationshi p with Robert who was a retailer. Another principle involves consideration for the contract or contracts made by each party or the participants. This legal principles emphasizes that each partner should give or promise to offer something in return for the other`s responsibilities. For instance, in the case between the wool traders and its customers including Robert; wool traders made a contract with Robert to make for them sheepskin coats and hats, while Robert was to pay for their services and products offered. In the same way, SnoDogs clothing made an order from the wool traders for ski suits. In addition, consensus is another legal principle, which demonstrates that the participants must have arrived at definite contract (Ingeborg 2012, p. 90). This is frequently illustrated as offer and approval or acceptance. In this case, one party creates a proposal and the other consents it. For example, Wool Traders got an e-mailed order from SnoDogs Clothing for 36 ski suits. SnoDogsâ€⠄¢ terms and conditions (attached to their e-mail) evidently state that â€Å"orders produce a lawful offer to buy at the price itemized by buyer at date of reception.† Wool traders send a message showing the acceptance of the order, and transcribed approval of the same. Both had a fresh duplicate of Wool Traders` terms and settings, therefore, SnoDogs took delivery of the goods. Thus, this is a good illustration that shows the legal principle of consent or consensus. Questions of fact that will need to be decided by a court, on which liability and damages may depend Damages refer to the reimbursement for harm or destruction instigated by the breach. In case breach of agreements results into loss or harm, the bruised or the affected party has, the right to take legal action for harms or damages (Stone 2005, p. 56). In case the breach is serious enough to an extent it goes back to the base of the agreement, the affected party may consider the agreement as efficiently gone or r ejected by the other party and decline to be destined by it or reject to pay. In certain circumstances, the affected person may reject the bond and claim indemnities. Therefore, there are various questions of fact that will need to be decided by a court, on which liability and damages may depend. For instance, will the court consider Robert`s loss and grant him refund despite the fact that he was late to return the goods as stated from the wool trader`s terms and conditi

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Professional Ethics and Responsibilities in Computer Technology Research Paper

Professional Ethics and Responsibilities in Computer Technology - Research Paper Example However, software developers, individuals and businesses have to think about the rights and wrongs of making use of the information technology every day. The basic concerns essential to the world of IT are the end user's anticipations of privacy and the provider's ethical responsibility to utilize email or applications (Katers, 2012). Due to quickly changing environment of information technology, new and complex ethical concerns are emerging that bring into question the capability of society to tackle, and self-confidently resolve them. These serious issues and concerns are taking place in different fields such as information technology, biotechnology, nuclear technology, nanotechnology (Kastenberg, 2011). This paper discusses the role of the professional ethics and responsibilities in computer technology. The basic aim of this research is to discuss the importance and relevance of computer ethics in information technology. ... Moreover, in a business environment, some of the important professional ethical issues can be: (Sembok, 2003; Duke University, 2011) Managing human resource issues Impartiality in data analysis and professional consulting Data privacy Resolution of conflicts of interest Professional accountability Software piracy Academic honesty Adherence to confidentiality agreements In addition, the problems and issues of IT Ethics have recently turned out to be the biggest challenge for business organizations as well as individuals. In this scenario, the potential to put huge material on the web has attracted a vast majority of people. However, developing systems and applications have quietly concealed the issues and complexities as well as aggravations that were concerned in writing HTML; increasingly websites are being developed by people with a comparatively diffident quantity of computer systems (Schweitzer, 2005). The incorporation of new technology based systems has been almost never so sim ple. Moreover, as the web started to expand out of its shortened immaturity, a wide variety of new problems and concerns emerged repeatedly, and a majority of concerns and issues remained unresolved. Moreover, a lot of problems and concerns hold powerful ethics related data and information content. As the potential to arrive at millions of people immediately has passed into the hands of the individuals, the quick emergence of thorny ethical concerns is probable to carry-on unabated (Schweitzer, 2005). Common Dilemmas As ethics is not a black-and-white topic, the choices we formulate could affect our business or even our living. There are numerous ethical problems that can happen while making use of networking, social media or any IT based